
加州苗必达。,1月28日/ prnewswires - firstcall / -克拉天科公司(纳斯达克代码:KLAC)今天宣布了2010财年第二季度的运营业绩2009年12月31日,并报告GAAP净收入2200万美元和GAAP每股摊薄收益0.13美元的收入4.4亿美元

kl - tencor本季度业绩强劲,主要得益于代工客户需求的改善,提升了领先产能,以及逻辑和内存客户追求技术转型路线图的持续投资里克•华莱士他是KLA-Tencor的总裁兼首席执行官。“随着我们执行我们的战略,提供高性能过程控制解决方案,为我们的客户创造价值,并帮助他们解决关键任务的生产挑战,我们看到我们的财务业绩增长的势头。”

GEAP结果Q2 2010财年2010财年2010年Q2 2009年FY 2009年收入4.4亿美元3.43亿美元净收入(亏损)每摊股票2200万美元$ 22000万美元收益(亏损)$ 0.13 $ 0.12 $(2.57)非GAAP结果Q22010财年Q1 2010年Q2 Q2 2009年净收入(亏损)4900万美元$ 26万美元$(20)百万美元收益(亏损)每次摊款$ 0.28 $ 0.15 $(0.12)




除历史事实外,本新闻稿中的陈述,如关于KLA-Tencor财务业绩和KLA-Tencor成功创新、开发和销售满足客户需求的新技术和产品的能力的陈述是前瞻性的陈述,金博宝188亚洲体育app并受1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》制定的安全港条款的约束。这些前瞻性陈述基于当前的信息和预期,涉及一些风险和不确定性。由于各种因素,实际结果可能与上述报表中的预测结果有重大差异,包括但不限于:对半导体的需求;全球资本市场的金融状况和宏观经济大环境;竞争对手提供新的和增强的产品;客户取消订单;KLA-Tencor研发团队的能力,成功地创新和开发技术,以响应客户的需求;KLA-Tencor成功整合和管理其收购业务的能力;以及不断变化的客户需求。 For other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected and anticipated in forward-looking statements in this release, please refer to KLA-Tencor's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended2009年6月30日随后与证券交易委员会的随后申请(包括但不限于其中所述风险因素)。KLA-Tencor不承担义务,目前尚未打算更新这些前瞻性陈述。


克拉天科公司(NASDAQ: KLAC)是全球领先的过程控制和良率管理解决方案提供商,与世界各地的客户合作开发最先进的检测和计量技术。这些技术服务于半导体、数据存储、化合物半导体、光伏和其他相关的纳米电子行业。凭借行业标准产品组合和世界一流的工程师和科学家团队,公司30多年来为客户创造金博宝188亚洲体育app了卓越的解决方案。188bet欧洲杯直播官网总部设在米尔皮塔斯,加利福尼亚州KLA-Tencor在全球设有专门的客户运营和服务中心。其他信息可在网站上找到langyachengbao.com。(KLAC-F)



为了补充KLA-Tencor的压缩合并财务报表,按照公认会计准则,公司提供某些非公认会计准则的财务信息,根据公认会计准则调整结果,排除某些成本和费用,以及其他补充信息。188bet欧洲杯直播官网提供非公认会计准则和补充信息,以增强用户对克拉天科经营业绩及其未来前景的全面了解。具体来说,kl - tencor认为,非公认会计准则信息通过排除公司认为不代表其核心经营成果的某些成本和支出,为管理层和投资者提供了有关kl - tencor财务业绩的财务和业务趋势的有用度量。188金宝搏哪里下载188bet欧洲杯直播官网非公认会计准则信息是管理人员用于未来预测的预算和计划工具之一。非GAAP和补充信息的介绍并不意味着孤立或作为根据美国GAAP准备和呈现的结果的替代品。

kl - tencor公司压缩合并未审计资产负债表(以千计)2009年12月31日2009年6月30日----------------- -------------资产现金和短期投资$1,522,344 $1,329,884应收账款净额298,071 210143存货净额352,241 370,206其他流动资产414,605 488,384土地其他非流动资产410,092 440,584 ------- -------总资产$3,725,741 $3,609,538 ========== ==========负债和股东权益流动负债:应付账款$87,632 $63,485递延系统利润未赚收入其他流动负债33,084 34,236 ------- -------总流动负债613,105 54,982非流动负债:应缴纳所得税未赚收入24589 23059其他非流动负债63851 60163长期债务745475 745,204 ------- -------总负债1498807 1425,146股东权益:超过票面价值的普通股和资本886,860 835,477留存收益1,357,049 1,370,132累计其他综合亏损(16,975)(21,217)------- -------总股东权益2,226,934 2,184,392 --------- ---------总负债和股东权益$3,725,741 $3,609,538 ========== ==========
KLA-Tencor Corporation浓缩合并未经审核的业务陈述三个月终止六个月结束--------------------------------------(成千都),除了每12月31日,12月31日,12月31日,分享数据31日,分享数据)2009 2009 2009 2008 ----------------- --------- ---------收入:产品$ 314,946 $ 273,072 $ 544,197 $ 544,197 $ 678,568服务125,409 123,517 238,845 250,534 ----  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -  ------------- --------总收入440,355 396,589 783,042 929,102 929,102 929,102费用和运营费用:收入成本207,286 238,167 379,178 379,178 490,980工程,研发83,301 95,266 161,510 209,627卖,一般和行政102,673 133,954 180,309 252,444 252,444差劲并购买无形资产损伤 -  434,83​​3  -  446,744 -------- --------总成本和运营费用393,260 902,220 720,997 1,399,795来自运营47,095(505,631)62,045(470,693)利息收入和其他,净(9,079)(12,472)(1,237)(8,295)------  -   -   -   -----收入(亏损)在所得税38,016(518,103)60,808(478,988)(478,988)条规定(从)所得税16,222(83,849)18,609(64,023)净收入(亏损)$ 21,794 $(434,254)$ 42,199 $(414,965)======= ========= ======= =========每股净收入(损失):基本$ 0.13 $(2.57)$ 0.25 $(2.43)----- ---------- ----------13 $(2.57)$ 0.24 $(2.43)----- ----------------现金股息支付每股$ 0.15 $ 0.15 $ 0.30 $ 0.-------------------加权平均股份数:基本171,408 169,022 171,053 170,552稀释173,808 169,022 173,292170,552
kl - tencor公司截至2009年12月31日的三个月压缩合并未经审计的现金流量表(以千计)---- ----经营活动现金流量:净收入(损失)$21,794 $(434254)调整净利润(损失)与经营活动提供的净现金:折旧及摊销商誉购买无形资产和长期资产减损支出为可疑帐户提供10592 436833 - 23887非现金股权补偿20855 22303税收收取股权奖——(3294)超额税收受益于股权奖励-(2)净损失(收益)出售有价证券和其他投资(1582)641获得打折of real estate assets (160) (1,997) Changes in assets and liabilities, net of assets acquired and liabilities assumed in business combinations: Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable, net (55,564) 31,119 Decrease (increase) in inventories (2,621) 30,322 Decrease (increase) in other assets 101,550 (16,314) Increase in accounts payable 12,328 736 Increase in deferred system profit 32,856 1,302 Increase (decrease) in other liabilities 313 (162,528) --- -------- Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 163,601 (35,600) Cash flows from investing activities: Acquisitions of businesses, net of cash received - (13,952) Capital expenditures, net (10,735) (6,967) Proceeds from sale of long-lived assets 5,878 19,348 Purchase of available-for-sale securities (337,025) (124,775) Proceeds from sale and maturity of available-for-sale securities 182,799 129,770 Purchase of trading securities (15,001) (19,206) Proceeds from sale of trading securities 17,476 18,707 ------ ------ Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (156,608) 2,925 Cash flows from financing activities: Issuance of common stock 20,545 21,164 Tax withholding payments related to vested and released restricted stock units (10,371) (46) Common stock repurchases - (49,046) Payment of dividends to stockholders (25,686) (25,335) Excess tax benefit from stock-based compensation - 2 --- --- Net cash used in financing activities (15,512) (53,261) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (876) 8,807 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (9,395) (77,129) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 540,839 733,459 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $531,444 $656,330 ======== ======== Supplemental cash flow disclosures: Income tax refunds (received), net $(68,491) $(7,176) Interest paid $26,084 $28,887
KLA-Tencor公司凝聚整合未经审计的补充信息(每股数千人,除了数据)和解的GAAP净利润(损失),非一般公认会计准则净利润(损失 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 截至12月31日结束的三个月6个月9月30日,12月31日,12月31日,12月31日2009年2009年2009年---------------- ---- GAAP净收入(损失)$21,794 $20,405 $(434254)$42,199 $(414,965)调整以调和GAAP净收入(损失)至非GAAP净收入(损失)-------------------收购相关费用8,104 8,095 22,590 16,199 51,008重组,遣散费及其他相关费用14450 (4409)23621 10041 27782 b重申相关指控c 7077 5188 9190 12265 12974善意和购买无形资产减值d - 446744 - 434833的所得税影响公认会计原则调整e(10762)(3121)(75882)(13883)(88096)离散税目f 8693——8693  - ------ ----------- ------ ------ Non-GAAP net income (loss) $49,356 $26,158 $(19,902) $75,514 $35,447 ======= ======= ======== ======= ======= GAAP net income (loss) per diluted share $0.13 $0.12 $(2.57) $0.24 $(2.43) ===== ===== ====== ===== ====== Non-GAAP net income (loss) per diluted share $0.28 $0.15 $(0.12) $0.44 $0.21 ===== ===== ====== ===== ===== Shares used in diluted Shares calculation 173,808 172,718 169,022 173,292 170,552 ======= ======= ======= ======= =======
包括炼金综合的物品的税前影响的综合业务的未经审核陈述:----------------------------  ------------------------------------重组,善良遣散,并重新购买购买的税前收购其他Ment无形美国通用会计准则相关相关相关资产的非GAAP费用费用费用减值调整------- ------- ------- ---------- ----------收入$ 5,727 $ 2,052 $的成本 -  $  -  $ 7,779工程,研发898 566  -   -  1464销售,一般及行政1,479 11832 7077  -  20388 ----- ------ -----  --- ------总三个月截至2009年12月31日$ 8,104 $ 14,450 $ 7077 $  -  $ 29631 ====== ======= ====== === =======截至9月30日止三个月,2009年9月30日$ 8,095 $(4,409)$ 5,188 $  -  $ 8,874 ====== ======= ====== === ======截至12月31日止三个月31,2008美元$ 22,590 $ 23,621 $ 9,190 $ 434,83​​3 $ 490,234 $ 434,83​​3 $ 490,234 ============== ====== ======== ========.
结束了三个月-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------股票赔偿---------------------成本收入$ 3,325 $ 3,288 $ 4,679工程,研发6,667 6,603 6,981销售,一般和行政10,863 10,308 10,643 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------中国$ 20,855 $ 20,199 $ 22,303 ======= ====.===.===.===.= To supplement our condensed consolidated financial statements presented in accordance with GAAP, we provide certain non-GAAP financial information, which is adjusted from results based on GAAP to exclude certain costs and expenses, as well as other supplemental information. The non-GAAP and supplemental information is provided to enhance the user's overall understanding of our operating performance and our prospects in the future. Specifically, we believe that the non-GAAP information provides useful measures to both management and investors regarding financial and business trends relating to our financial performance by excluding certain costs and expenses that we believe are not indicative of our core operating results. The non-GAAP information is among the budgeting and planning tools that management uses for future forecasting. The presentation of non-GAAP and supplemental information is not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for results prepared and presented in accordance with United States GAAP. a Acquisition related charges include amortization of intangible assets, inventory fair value adjustments, and in-process research and development associated with acquisitions. Management believes that the expense associated with the amortization of acquisition related intangible assets is appropriate to be excluded because a significant portion of the purchase price for acquisitions may be allocated to intangible assets that have short lives, and exclusion of the amortization expense allows comparisons of operating results that are consistent over time for both KLA-Tencor's newly acquired and long-held businesses. Management believes that it is appropriate to exclude acquisition related inventory fair value adjustments and in-process research and development as they are not indicative of ongoing operating results and therefore limit comparability. Management believes excluding these items helps investors compare our operating performance with our results in prior periods as well as with the performance of other companies. b Restructuring, severance and other related charges include gains and costs associated with the company's facilities divestment and consolidation program, reductions in force, entry into a severance and consulting agreement with the company's former president/chief operating officer, gains and losses from sales of facilities, and asset impairment (other than impairment of goodwill and purchased intangible assets, which is included within the category described in note (d) below) from discontinuing or making available for sale certain acquired product lines. Management believes that it is appropriate to exclude those items as they are not indicative of ongoing operating results and therefore limit comparability. Management believes excluding these items helps investors compare our operating performance with our results in prior periods as well as with the performance of other companies. c Restatement related charges include legal and other expenses related to the stock option investigation, shareholder litigation and related matters. Management believes that it is appropriate to exclude those items as they are not indicative of ongoing operating results and therefore limit comparability. Management believes excluding these items helps investors compare our operating performance with our results in prior periods as well as with the performance of other companies. d Goodwill and purchased intangible asset impairment includes non-cash expense recognized as a result of the company's annual evaluation of goodwill or the testing for intangible asset impairment driven by certain company-specific triggering events, as well as the impairment of goodwill and intangible assets as a result of discontinuing acquired products and making acquired products available for sale. Management believes that it is appropriate to exclude those items as they are not indicative of ongoing operating results and therefore limit comparability. Management believes excluding these items helps investors compare our operating performance with our results in prior periods as well as with the performance of other companies. e Income tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments includes the income tax effects of the excluded items noted above. Management believes that it is appropriate to exclude the tax effects of the items noted above in order to present a more meaningful measure of non-GAAP net income. f Discrete tax items include the tax impact of shortfalls in excess of cumulative windfall tax benefits recorded as provision for income taxes during the quarter. Windfall tax benefits arise when a company's tax deductions for employee stock activity exceeds book compensation for the same activity. A shortfall arises when the tax deduction is less than book compensation. Windfalls are recorded as increases to capital in excess of par value. Shortfalls are recorded as decreases to capital in excess of par value to the extent that cumulative windfalls exceed cumulative shortfalls. Shortfalls in excess of cumulative windfalls are recorded as provision for income taxes. Management believes that it is appropriate to exclude these items as they are not indicative of ongoing operating results and therefore limit comparability. Management believes excluding these items helps investors compare our operating performance with our results in prior periods as well as with the performance of other companies.
